Old Beverley Recipes

beverley old yorkshire recipes


Old Beverley Recipes features popular dishes from over a century ago. Some are still familiar, though others long forgotten. All the recipes were supplied by locals, many whose names have become part of the town’s history, like Elwell and Goldthorpe.

So, why not step back in time, and discover the dishes that once graced your grandparents or great-grandparents tables.


4 cups flour
1 cup sugar
3ozs. lard
3ozs. butter
2 eggs
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon carbonate of soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
a few sultanas
milk to mix

Add baking powder, cream of tartar, sugar, pinch of salt to flour; rub in lard and butter; add eggs and sultanas; dissolve carbonate of soda in milk and mix to stiff paste. Roll out and cut in shapes, and bake on shelf in oven.
Mrs. Andrews


4ozs. margarine
5ozs. castor sugar
2 large breakfast cups full of Quaker Oats.

Melt margarine slowly, beat in sugar and oats, pour into a dripping tin, and bake in a slow oven until slightly browned; when hardly cold cut into squares.
Mrs. J. Elwell


½lb. butter
½lb. sugar
10ozs. flour
½lb. sultana raisins
1oz. mixed peel
2ozs. almonds
grated rind of half a lemon and a little juice
3 eggs
a little milk
2 teaspoons baking powder

Bake from one to one and a half hours. Place the sliced almonds on the top when the cake has been in the oven about ¾ hour.
Mrs. Goldthorpe


4ozs. mustard
½oz. turmeric
½oz. ginger
1lb. Demerara sugar
4ozs. flour
1oz. mustard seeds

Mix the ingredients with half a pint of vinegar; boil ¾gall. of vinegar; when boiling add the whole of the above together with the vegetables desired (onions, gherkins, cucumbers, cauliflowers, beans, parsnips, carrots, etc.), to which should be added 2ozs. of salt. Boil for twenty minutes.
Mrs. Haselhurst


¼lb. lentils
½ pint water
¼lb. cooked potatoes
2ozs. cheese (if liked)
1 teaspoon chopped parsley
pepper and salt
a little egg to bind together

Soak the lentils, and put them into a saucepan with the water in which they have been soaked, and cook gently. When the lentils are thoroughly cooked and dry (i.e. until all the water is soaked up), add the potatoes and cheese: beat well into the mixture. Then spread mixture evenly on a plate, and leave to cool. When cool, cut into shapes and egg and breadcrumb. Fry a golden brown.
Miss Jack


1lb. flour
¼lb. butter
¼lb. sugar
¼lb. currants
¼lb. sultanas or raisins
1 teaspoon carbonate of soda, mixed in 3 teaspoons vinegar
½ pint milk

Put flour, sugar and fruit in a basin and rub the butter in. Then mix with the milk – when mixed, add the carbonate of soda. Put into a large bread tin. Bake slowly in moderate oven for about 1½ hours.
Mrs. A. B. Care